Dentures vs Dental Implants: What’s the Difference?

Dentures vs. Dental Implants: What’s the Difference?

Dental implants provide distinct advantages and a more realistic smile as compared to dentures. Dentures do not require surgery, unlike implants, and can be accessible quickly based on the type of dentures you get. Dental implants can help prevent additional bone loss, while dentures lie above the gum line and simply offer a cosmetic tooth replacement, therefore, bone loss and shrinkage are to be expected over time. At Smile Dental, Dr. Jeena Leon Samuel DMD, BDS, FAGD, can help you determine if dentures or implants are the right option for you. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment request online. We are conveniently located at 738 FM 1092 Rd, Stafford, TX 77477.

Dentures vs Dental Implants: What's the Difference? | Smile Dental
Dentures vs Dental Implants: What's the Difference? | Smile Dental

Table of Contents:

What is the difference between dentures and implants?
Why do people choose dentures over implants?
What lasts longer dentures or implants?
Is it easier to eat with dentures or implants?

When it comes to restoring your teeth, you have two main options: dentures or dental implants. While both solutions will provide the same aesthetic outcome—restoring a healthy, beautiful smile—the process and results can differ significantly.

At Smile Dental, we offer both denture and implant services to help restore your teeth with the best possible solution for your specific needs. Our team of experienced dentists can help you decide whether dentures or implants are the better solution for you.

What is the difference between dentures and implants?

Dentures are removable dental appliances, often made from acrylic and metal, that replace missing teeth and associated soft tissue. Dentures should feel comfortable when speaking, eating, and smiling without slipping—although they do need to be removed every night for cleaning.

On the other hand, dental implants are permanent solutions that involve a titanium post being surgically placed into your jawbone and topped with an abutment to secure a replacement tooth in place. This artificial tooth can be made from either porcelain or ceramic, giving you a natural look and feel. Dental implants are strong and long-lasting, and provide several benefits beyond simply restoring your smile.

Why do people choose dentures over implants?

People often choose dentures over implants for a variety of reasons. The primary factor is cost. Dentures often offer a cost-effective alternative to implants, making them an appealing choice for individuals with budgetary constraints. Additionally, the process of getting dentures is less invasive, with no surgical procedure required, which appeals to those who may be apprehensive about undergoing oral surgery. Lastly, in some cases, individuals may not have sufficient bone density in their jaws to support dental implants. In such instances, dentures become the more feasible option. At Smile Dental, we understand these considerations and aim to offer solutions that accommodate the various needs and circumstances of our patients.

What lasts longer, dentures or implants?

As it pertains to longevity, dental implants tend to outlast dentures By providing diligent care and maintaining good oral hygiene, dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime. They are designed to fuse with your jawbone, creating a strong foundation that mimics your natural teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, typically need to be replaced every 5 to 8 years. Even with meticulous care, the natural wear and tear, coupled with the changing shape of your mouth, make periodic replacement necessary. However, it’s important to note that the lifespan of both dentures and implants can be greatly influenced by individual factors such as oral hygiene, dietary habits, and regular dental check-ups.

Is it easier to eat with dentures or implants?

Eating with dental implants tends to be easier and more comfortable compared to dentures. Dental implants mimic natural teeth and are firmly anchored to the jawbone, providing a strong biting force that allows you to eat all types of food without any discomfort or fear of slippage. Dentures, on the other hand, can sometimes shift or slip while eating certain foods, especially those that are hard or sticky. This can make some individuals feel less confident while eating and restrict their dietary choices. That said, many people adapt to eating with dentures over time and still enjoy a diverse diet. Nonetheless, for ease of eating and a more natural feel, dental implants are often the preferred choice for many of our patients.

At Smile Dental, our primary goal is to help you make the right decision for your dental health that suits your lifestyle and budget. Our team of dedicated professionals is always here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process of choosing between dentures and dental implants. If you’re ready to restore your smile and confidence, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us now or schedule an appointment online today to begin your journey towards a healthier and happier smile.

Dentures and dental implants are available at Smile Dental. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment request online. We are conveniently located at 738 FM 1092 Rd, Stafford, TX 77477. We serve patients from Stafford TX, Meadows Place TX, Missouri City TX, Sugar Land TX, Fifth Street TX, Dewalt TX, and Trammels TX.